

Too many things on my mind lately, and even more on my to-do lists. For the past week or so, everything I’ve written I’ve absolutely despised. I’m finding myself stuck somewhere between the dreaded ocean of writer’s block and Oscar-the-Grouch-land. I sat down tonight with my to-do list and Just. Couldn’t. Do it.

Then I took a 20 min. power nap. (LOL…I really just turned the lights off for 20 minutes and pretended to rest while the to-do lists twitched under my eyelids like little electrical impulses and my preteens took advantage by binging on hot cocoa with marshmallows in the next room. They really think I don’t know?) And when I came back to my desk, that’s when I saw it.


Ugh. It was on my desk, in my folders, on my computer, covering my printer, and worst of all, in my head. Bills to pay, parents to call, report cards to complete, assignments to write, poems to revise, cover letters to perfect. Two phones, three pairs of scissors, four catalogs, a paper puncher, two magazines, 18 pages of printed research, a half-finished scholarship application, a recipe for peanut butter cup dip (mmm), countless scraps of scribbled notes, dead pens, working pens, highlighters, an empty coffee mug, expired coupons, and even a scrap of Christmas wrapping paper!

Whoa…I am getting behind. And, okay. I can’t do it all tonight. Defeat accepted. But I can de-clutter my desk, which I did.  Under the rubble I rediscovered a little pewter turtle–a gift from my husband who knows me and my clutter cycles all too well. On the little turtle’s back is one word under a glimmering glass shell:  Simplify.

Ah. There it is. Okay. I get it.

Love my desk again, now that I can see it. Maybe soon, I will love my writing again, once I am able to clear some of my brain clutter and see it with fresh eyes.

I vow to get my life back soon. Very soon. It will happen at a turtle’s pace, but it will happen. I will attack the to-do lists and make the clutter go away. I. Will. Win.

My acrostic puts it all in black and white, so there’s no going back now, even if I wanted to:


C reative juices

L anguish, the

U nderling of

T o-do lists. And I,

T he task-master, say


R eclaim the desk!


Anyone else de-cluttering this week? Are you wringing out whatever it is that is soaking up your creative juices? I invite you to share your own clutter-themed poem here. Let’s have a de-cluttering party!!!

And don’t forget to check out this week’s Poetry Friday round-up with Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect.
